Best place to be a giant
Best place to be a giant
Best places for booksellers
Best places for booksellers
Ever wondered how to turn your college education into a best-selling series? Lisa Edmonds, once an English major who took courses in forensic criminology, has done just that, writing the wonderful Alice Worth Series. An Urban...
Best place for gangs
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Best place for a signature dish
Best place to be a sentient droid
Guest Butch Hartman -- Best Place To Be A Fairy Godmother
As we celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's platinum Jubilee, we are wondering who are your favourite fantasy royals? Author and Director of OCF, Julia Golding, has had a go at picking her top ten favourites. See if you agree with h...
Guest Gabriel Schenk -- Best place for enchanted swords
Best Place For Spoken Word
Best Place For Maps
Best place for an inter-species romance
Best Place To Be A Fantastic Beast
Guest Jacob Rennaker
Rescued By Ruby - Netflix
Guest Jacob Rennaker
Guest Jacob Rennaker
Guest Sørina Higgins
Guest Lucy Strange