Best place to be a miner
Best place for gangs
Guest Jacob Rennaker
Rescued By Ruby - Netflix
Guest Jacob Rennaker
Guest Jacob Rennaker
Guest Sørina Higgins
Guest Lucy Strange
With Host Julia Golding
Special guest Paula Kalamaras
With Julia Golding
Spiderman No Way home ended the year with over $1 billion at the box office and has joined the top ten highest-grossing films. In this episode ( contains spoilers ), Julia Golding is joined by Ed, our resident Marvel fan …
Guest Richard Blackford
Guest Ingrid Hanson
Live Webcast December 1, 2021
With special guest Nariel
With Julia Golding
Are you a re-reader of your favourite fantasy books? Join Julia Golding as she recalls the first time through the wardrobe and into Middle-earth. This leads to thoughts on the power of fantasy and why some dislike it. She goe...
With guest Lisa Coutras Terris
Ever wondered about the link between fantasy writers like Tolkien and the multitude of subcultures they inspired, from Dungeons and Dragons to LARPing, and video gaming. In this episode, we discuss these worlds with special g...
What was it like to be behind the scenes as the very first Star Wars films were made? What was it like to be in the room to hear John Williams' soundtrack for the first time? What were the differences …